Gift Planning At-a-Glance

Explore the options below to compare the major features of a number of gift planning opportunities. Your advisors can help you in evaluating the benefits depending on your circumstances. We will be pleased to discuss the charitable dimension of your plans.

Bequest by Will

Donor Receives: The satisfaction of knowing that a meaningful gift has been arranged.
Tax Savings: Federal estate tax deduction for amount bequeathed to charity.
Other Advantages to the Donor: Opportunity to make a substantial gift without depleting funds needed during life. May be revised at any time.
WKNO Public Media Receives: A substantial gift to further our mission.

Revocable Living Trust

Donor Receives: Income earned by trust may be paid to donor, charity, or other(s).
Tax Savings: No income tax benefits (unless income goes to charity). When property passes to WKNO Public Media at death of donor, estate tax deduction is allowed for amounts transferred for charitable purposes.
Other Advantages to the Donor: Opportunity to change the trust (and gift), if desired. Avoidance of probate. Opportunity for professional management of assets in trust by those of donor's choosing.
WKNO Public Media Receives: Substantial gift, in many cases larger than the donor could comfortably give otherwise.

Beneficiary Designations

Donor Receives: The satisfaction of knowing that a meaningful gift has been arranged.
Tax Savings: Depends on the asset given (For instance, retirement plan assets are
heavily taxed when left to heirs.)
Other Advantages to the Donor: Does not require a change to a will. May be revised at any time.
WKNO Public Media Receives: A substantial gift to further our mission.

Charitable Remainder Unitrust

Donor Receives: Variable annual income to donor and/or other beneficiary(ies). Rate of income defined in trust agreement (at least 5% of trust assets).
Tax Savings: Income tax charitable deduction for a portion of the value of the assets placed in trust. Value of trust assets at death generally deductible from estate for tax purposes. Capital gains tax bypassed at time of funding.
Other Advantages to the Donor: Asset segmentation and preservation. Supplement income of the donor and/or others. May be created for a term of years in order to provide income for short-term needs. Professional management of funds by those of donor's choosing.
WKNO Public Media Receives: A substantial gift when the trust terminates. Knowledge of the gift helps WKNO Public Media in planning to meet future needs.